Monday, 28 March 2011


Hello yet again--eating an iceberger, just came home from my friend's house all wet cause we went to the beach hee hee hee; also sore 'cause I fell outside. Ow it stings. :(  I think I'll go put on a band-aid except it can wait or maybe it can't. hmm. I also think her chicken plucked me.


Hello yet again--eating an iceberger, just came home from my friend's house all wet cause we went to the beach hee hee hee; also sore 'cause I fell outside. Ow it stings. :(  I think I'll go put on a band-aid except it can wait or maybe it can't. hmm. I also think her chicken plucked me

Saturday, 26 March 2011


Sorry I just had to go on Skype. Well like I was saying the leak it was going on for ages.It is the most annoying thing ever to have a leak it just sounds like this plink plink plonk it's also super annoying if you were sitting under it in your pj's reading a good book you got yesterday. Oh well I'll just go keep reading I will be back after I go into town. BYE. P.S. don't leave your shower on too long it could leak. P.P.S. sit some where with a good book that won't leak water on your head.


hello our lovely shower leak just stopped. bye gotta go

Friday, 25 March 2011




Hello I know I said that I'd be back later but I got bored so here I am. nothing much happened just watched tv they were talking about some sort of Elixir of life and tipping the scales of good and evil.Wow wacky wacky wackinz.


Hola well I think this how you say Hola if not its like this Ola. Yeah its Friday last day of school.Just finished piano lesson teacher extremely nice like always.Hope he does not notice I got some of the keys a bit mint feasty.HEE HEE HEE. Better go be back later.